Monday, November 2, 2009

Overcoming the Crisis

So, if you identify with the things defined as a quarter life crisis or answered yes to a majority of the questions on the questionnaire then here are five things that may assist you:

1. Develop realistic expectations. Unless you are extremely fortunate, you are not likely to get your dream job right away making millions of dollars. Life is what you make it. Therefore, do the best you can with your resources. Develop a mentor in your same profession that can give you advice. Often times, persistence and patience are both key. Working hard in lower-level jobs, can often times merit promotions to a much better job.
2. Take time to discover your passions. Many people feel like they are in a quarter life crisis because they don't know exactly what they want to do with their life. Then they accept their first job offer after college which leads them in to a spiral of other unwanted jobs/careers. Spend a weekend or vacation figuring out what your passions are and the things you would like to accomplish.
3. Set goals and visualize your future. Set realistic expectations with where you want to see yourself at 25, 30, 40, etc... and make sure these are things that you can control. So, if you want to be married at 25, it's probably not going to happen if you are 23 with no current prospects.
4. Consider changing careers. Many studies show that people will change careers multiple times within their lifetime. Therefore, don't be afraid to make a career change (with a plan of course). This may require additional education and further research as well.
5. Cultivate a positive meaning/definition of success. Even though Drake's song says "I want the money, money and the clothes, cars and the.... I just wanna be successful," you must determine what success and happiness means to you personally. This is something that can not be judged by your parents or friends, but only by yourself. If you can determine what would make you happy and feel successful, you are on the start to overcome the crisis...

For more information,

Next post: How I personally have been dealing with my quarter life crisis.

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