Sunday, November 8, 2009

Life is Good.

A couple months ago I read the book "The Secret." It is definitely a good read and I suggest for others to read it or watch the movie. One of the activities in the beginning of the book states that everyone should make a list of everything that they are grateful for. Once you do this, you are putting your energy in to the positive things of life instead of the negative. Here goes nothing...

*I am grateful for family members that provide me with unconditional love.

*I am grateful for friends that serve as a secondary support system.

*I am grateful for a job where I am able to pay my bills.

*I am grateful for a functioning vehicle that takes me from point A to point B.

*I am grateful for a plethora of clothes in my closet.

*I am grateful for the education that I have received my entire life.

*I am grateful for always having enough food to eat.

*I am grateful for freedom of religion and speech.

*I am grateful for peace of mind.

My list is much longer but I will stop there....

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